Friday, November 21, 2008

A Semi-New Direction

I know it has been a while since I have posted, but with basketball season already underway and two Kentucky losses in the books, I feel it is time to start back up again.

I've changed the name of the blog because I didn't want people to ultimately confuse the name with Alex Legion, but also because I wanted to make a new identity in the blogging world. Hopefully within the next month you will see more changes in regards to the overall layout of the site and possibly other improvements.

Which leads me to this: I have frequented several UK message boards in the past three years. A common trend I have seen is that anybody who speaks out against the program in any way gets an automatic timeout. Doesn't matter if it carries any merit or not, these message boards are "Pro-UK". You couldn't criticize Tubby Smith or Billy Gillispie because recruits read these websites and form opinions, yet every post is trying to make a veiled criticism while saying "Come to Kentucky *insert player here*. And God forbid if you even criticized a player.

I can understand some frustration from some who haven't even made it on campus yet. Ever since Dakota Euton commited, so called message board "scouts" were critiquing him like he was an art exhibit. It took his dad to post on a message board to basically tell these people to get a life.

So what is the direction? Basically, if I feel something isn't being done right, I am going to call it like I see it. It's one thing to be Pro-UK and not allow fans to speak unless its all lovey-dovey, but all it accomplishes is disallusioning yourselves into believing recruits and their parents can't see through the smoke and mirrors. You need to look no further than Gardner Webb last year and VMI this year.

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